Rrjeti i partnerëve të shefave shqiptarë.
In recent years, tourism has become one of the most important and growing sectors of the Albanian economy and is considered by the government as one of the main engines of national growth. Under these conditions, the HoReCa market and sector is positioned as an important sector.
Despite the investments and changes made over the years, there are still many problems that the Hotel-Tourism sector in Albania faces. Currently, the Hospitality-Tourism market is on trial and is going through difficult times. The market is facing an increase in purchase prices but the inability to increase sales prices, which significantly minimizes profits and often changes the perspective of continuity for investors in the HoReCa sector.
Through ACN-Albanian Chefs Network, the Albanian Chefs & Cooks Association has created a network of partners, established businesses in the Albanian market that cover 360 degrees of all HORECA sector services. ACN members support with logistics all the events organized by the Association and not only. The creation of this network of members helps all chefs and cooks who are holders of the Albanian Chefs & Cooks Association membership card through financial and logistical facilities.
The membership of Horeca businesses in ACN enables them to participate in all the events and activities that the Albanian Chefs & Cooks Association will organize during the membership period.